The stresses of Unemployment

Did you know that losing your job is in one of the top ten forms of stress in life. For some their job or career was all that they had. Or for some their job or career was what defined them as a human being. It is easy to fall into negative talk when a person is back in the unemployment line. 

For the next seven weeks. Career Nations will be showing you how to stay positive while returning to the job market. We'll also show you how to market yourself to potential employers in your field. Our goal is to relieve some of the stress of looking for a new job and career.

So stop telling yourself:
I don't have the skills that people want
I'll never reach my goal
I hate doing this on the job
I don't like the way that this is done at work
I'll never be as successful as her/him
I don't have time
I can't do it
I failed

We all have unique gifts and skills to offer the job market. We hope that you will learn how talented you really are in your career.
